Why Puree Foods?

Hi there! Thank you for visiting. Feel free to take a look around. This blog is the brain child of over two decades as a practicing pediatric speech language pathologist/feeding and swallowing specialist. I have watched many children and adults transform when fed real foods, pureed. As babies grow into toddlers, their taste buds begin to change. Between 12 and 19 months, toddlers begin to eat foods with more complex tastes, textures, and a larger variety of the food pyramid is consumed through food than through breastmilk or formula. Unfortunately, there is a population of children and adults who can’t eat solid foods. There are so many reasons why this may be the case. Ultimately, when a person can not eat advanced textures and solids, we often assume we have to provide something with lack of taste and texture. There are several issues with this. First, the older we get, generally speaking, the more we crave complex tastes. If a person is lacking in one area of development, such as low muscle tone or they limit their sensory input because they become overwhelmed, we may assume they should eat a bland diet. This assumption can’t be further from the truth for some of our oral feeders who are limited to a puree diet. They may crave intense flavor, sweet, sour, spicy, salty. We can still provide these diverse tastes to those who are prescribed a puree diet. In a nutshell, this is how perfectly puree was born.